There’s no question about it: summer is the greatest season of them all. For both people and pets, the outdoors become the place to be. There is nothing else like it all year round.

But as research shows, the summer comes with its own downsides. For humans, it comes with a high risk of dehydration, sunburn and cancer. For our furry babies, there is no less risk. Cats need to be protected from the summer’s heat because it can get dangerous pretty quickly.

Check out the 6 ways you can keep your cat cool this summer below.

Provide enough drinking water

Research shows that cats and other furry have a harder time regulating their body temperature. This makes them very prone to heatstroke, especially in the summer.

As with humans, steady hydration is the best way to ward off heatstroke in cats. Make sure there’s always drinking water for the cats in their bowls, and that it is easily accessible. If you’re leaving a cat behind in a room or house, leave as many filled as possible.

Make sure there’s an exit

We always assume that cats can protect themselves, but it’s not always the case. When leaving them in a closed room this summer, always make sure there is an exit they can use. In case the cat finds itself too hot, it can then always go out to cool itself.

Watch the sun

The summer usually means sunshine all day. But the sun gets stronger at midday when the sun is overhead, and that’s when it gets really hot. Keep your cat out of the sun around this time. You can always send it out later when the soft afternoon sun sets in. If you can’t keep it indoors, try finding a shade for it to play under.

Have them play in a cool place

While it’s guaranteed to be hot in the summer, you can always find a cool place for your dog. If you’re heading out to the beach, keep your fur baby under your beach umbrella. Because some cats don’t always stay put, a leash could come in handy here.

If you’re leaving the cat in a closed room, open the windows but keep the curtains closed so it stays cool and safe. As always, examine it on return for signs of discomfort and heatstroke.

Know when your cat has got heatstroke

Sometimes, prevention is of no use. During the summer, every cat is exposed to the risk of heatstroke. It’s therefore wise to know the signs and symptoms of heatstroke on a cat. Look out for sudden vomiting, manic stretching, glazed eyes and rapid breathing, among other symptoms. And when you identify them, take your cat out of the sun and attend to it immediately.